The story takes place in a small town in Hokkaido, which is mainly driven by agricultural productivity. The farm run by Watari (played by Yo Oizumi) is responsible for producing milk and beef, Afang's plantation grows natural and pollution-free vegetables, and Uncle Otani is responsible for the supply of dairy products in the town. These producers are closely linked and indispensable. Asada is the chef in charge of the big hotel. In order to find precious ingredients, he embarked on a journey of traveling around the world. When he came to the town, he was overjoyed and got the true meaning of food here. Yotaro (played by Masaki Okada) also fled to the town to escape the stressful life in the metropolis. He was reborn here and decided to start a new life. Everyone who has been hurt or confused about the future has found the direction and motivation to move forward in the town.