The film is a biographical film about the turbulent life of former East German singer Gerhard Gundmann. Gundmann drove a digger in an open-pit coal mine during the day, but at night he took to the stage as a singer and inspired others with his own music. He used life and death as themes, but also touched on political and social criticism. With his personal and realistic, melancholic and poetic works, he became a popular idol in East Germany in the 1980s, but he often encountered conflicts with his superiors. Even after the reunification of the two Germanys, Gundmann's popularity did not diminish. However, in 1995, Gundmann's past as a spy working with the East German State Security Service was made public. Although this did not seem to affect his music career, it plunged him into a long personal struggle. The film won six awards and three nominations at the 2019 German Film Awards, including Best Film, Director and Actor.