The story begins in Kyushu in 1966. Because of his father's work, the shy teenager Nishimi Kaoru (played by Chinen Yuri) has been constantly moving and transferring schools since he was very young. The pressure brought by the constant change of the new environment made Kaoru want to vomit as long as he was nervous. Kaoru, who once again experienced a transfer, came to a high school in Nagasaki Prefecture. The accumulated pressure made him exhausted. However, Kaoru found that the rooftop of the school could give him a short relaxation. Only here could he get rid of the ubiquitous eyes of others and be his true self. One day, Kaoru accidentally met Chitaro Kawabuchi (played by Daishi Nakagawa) who was sleeping on the rooftop. Chitaro was a famous bad boy in the school. Kaoru, who was a little scared of Chitaro at first, accidentally discovered his gentle side in the process of interacting with him.