Yu Guo (played by Wen Zhang), who was living a comfortable life in a certain auto repair factory, was suddenly confused by his son Xia Tian (played by Zhu Jiayu) who fell from the sky. It turned out that he and his good buddy Qi Dasheng (played by Liu Huan) went to the United States for exchanges, and had a short relationship with Xia Xiaobai (played by Yin Hang), a talented student from Stanford who served as a local companion. After many years, Xiaobai died in a car accident. Xia Tian learned about Yu Guo's information from his mother's belongings, so he took the initiative to come to Beijing to find his father. I thought that signing to sever the relationship would be enough, but Xiaobai's brother (played by Wang Yaoqing) decided to keep his nephew with Yu Guo temporarily. During this period, his relationship with his girlfriend became more and more stiff, and he was forced to cause countless entanglements with Li Sanmei (played by Ma Yili), an airport check-in attendant with whom he had quarreled before. The arrival of summer changed Yu Guo's established life path, and also quietly changed the lives of him and the people around him...