Grandpa Daikichi (played by Shinosuke Tachikawa)'s wife left him not long ago, leaving the old man and a cat named Xiaoyu to live a life of dependence. Although Grandpa Daikichi felt very lonely, the cute and lively Xiaoyu brought a brief comfort to his soul, and the life of one person and one cat was also comfortable. One day, a woman named Michiko (played by Shibasaki Yuki) came to the town. This mysterious woman, whose identity and background were unknown to anyone, opened a very fashionable coffee shop in the town, and soon it was full of guests. Grandpa Daikichi wanted to eat the pea rice made by his wife, so he found the recipe that his wife had not finished writing and followed suit. Michiko encouraged Grandpa Daikichi to inherit his wife's will and complete this recipe. As a result, Grandpa Daikichi's life began to have a new direction and hope.