In a bustling metropolis, Qi Bolin (played by Alec Su), the creative director of Boshitang Advertising Company, is young, promising, and suave. In this era when love has become a joke, Qi flirts with women and is affectionate everywhere, but never promises a marriage to anyone. Some people are willing to play, some choose to leave and enter the marriage hall, and Qi still wanders among the flowers. One day, Qi's company took a big order, but the other boss had only one condition, which was to let the cute quadruplet girls (played by Si Xiaofeng) serve as advertising spokespersons. In order to persuade the girls to agree to perform, Qi and his team tried their best and finally broke through the children's defense line. And the girls' mother, Bai Xiaobai (played by Yan Danchen), a single mother working in 4S, put forward extremely harsh conditions. In the process of getting along with the girls, Qi, who was accustomed to single life, suffered a lot, but also experienced the joy of family...