The Metropolitan Police Department's Criminal Investigation Division, which focuses on major cases, welcomes an extraordinary newcomer, Fujido Hinako (played by Haru). Fujido has an amazing photographic memory. She is very familiar with all kinds of vicious cases that have occurred over the years, and can even extract effective information from the database in her mind at critical moments to help solve the case. Her partner, Tokaibayashi Yasuhisa (played by Yokoyama Yu), is also an unconventional criminal policeman. In order to solve the case, he does not hesitate to use illegal means, and a dark experience in the past made him cynical. Tokaibayashi discovered that Fujido has an almost morbid interest in murder cases, especially perverted and bizarre murder cases. She was indifferent to the death of her friend, and even dared to get close to the criminals in order to investigate the case. Could it be that she enjoys the joy of being at the center of crime?