The 11-year-old girl Xiao Ezi (played by Zhao Huihui) has an unfortunate life. Her mother died of illness at an early age, and she herself suffers from a disease commonly known as "blood cicada sore" (wolfsbane sore), which makes her unable to move. Her gambling-addicted father sold her to the human trafficker Luo Jiang, and from then on she became a tool for the human trafficker to defraud money and sympathy. Love is overflowing, material desires are rampant, but no one really cares about the health and life of the child... This film won the Best Film, Best Director and Best Debut Jury Critics Award at the 2008 Bucharest International Film Festival in Romania; the Pyramid Gold Award in the Feature Digital International Competition Unit of the 2007 Cairo International Film Festival; the Norwegian Peace Film Award in the Competition Unit of the 2007 Tromsø International Film Festival in Norway; the Asian Film Promotion Alliance Award at the 2007 Locarno International Film Festival in Switzerland; the Spirit of Freedom Award at the 2008 Jerusalem International Film Festival in Israel; the Highest Honor Award at the 2008 Nanjing Film Festival; and the 2007 Asian Film Award.