Jimmy (Bruce Willis), a killer nicknamed "Tulip", forged a death certificate with the help of his partner, dentist Oz (Matthew Perry), and retired from the underworld. With a new identity, he and his wife Jill (Amanda Peet) enjoy a comfortable life in a seaside villa. However, on this day, a panicked visitor broke Jimmy's peaceful life. It turned out that Cynthia (Natasha Henstridge), the wife of his old friend Oz, was kidnapped by the gang. He came to beg Jimmy to help. However, Jimmy had already retired from the underworld and refused to let Oz in. Unexpectedly, Lazio (Kevin Pollak), a gang leader who had a feud with Jimmy, followed Oz with his men, and found Jimmy's lair and wanted to seek revenge on him. At this point, the old killer had no choice but to take off his apron, pick up his pistol, and return to the underworld with his wife and partner... This film is the sequel to the comedy "The Whole Nine Yards".