Veronica (Sarah Michelle Gellar) is a 28-year-old young woman. In the eyes of others, she is undoubtedly a "successful person" - with a beautiful face, a stable job and a comfortable home, these things that many people cannot get in their lifetime seem to be born with Veronica. However, only Veronica herself knows that the black hole in her heart cannot be filled by any amount of money and material. In this lonely and indifferent world, how much pain does she have to endure to safely spend every boring and boring day. Finally, Veronica, who couldn't bear it any more, made a decision. She decided to die. It seems that even the god of death is particularly tolerant of Veronica. After walking through the gates of hell, she was finally rescued by advanced medical technology. However, the doctor told Veronica that due to the medicine, her heart was greatly damaged and she might not have much time left. It was this life getting closer and closer to death that gave Veronica a new understanding of life.