In Tokyo, a metropolis with bright lights and bustling noise, the distance between people's hearts is getting farther and farther. Shangliang (played by Takeo Nakahara), an executive of a company, suddenly heard the bad news that his beloved only daughter Xiaolu committed suicide for love, which almost broke Shangliang. His subordinate Ishida once had a crush on Xiaolu. In order to relieve Mr. Shangliang's grief and anger, and also to vent his depression, Ishida found the female killer Ling (played by Rinko Kikuchi) through a broker and asked her to kill Xiaolu's boyfriend, David (played by Sergi López), a wine merchant from Spain. Ling is a solitary woman who works in the Tokyo fish market and uses heavy labor to prevent herself from thinking. The old and silent sound engineer (played by Min Tanaka) is her only friend. After taking over Ishida's order, she came to David's store alone, but after a shallow conversation, she burst into a different feeling in her heart. Killer and prey, another misplaced love and resentment begins...