Li Meng (played by Yu Entai), a young man from the bottom of society, looks very similar to real estate tycoon Tang Yao (played by Yu Entai). When Tang Yao was hospitalized due to illness and unable to run the company, Li Meng was found by Tang Yao's secretary Lin Pei (played by Qi Wei). Li Meng was framed for playing billiards and had a gambling debt of 100,000 yuan out of thin air. The owner of the billiard hall, Pi Dan (played by Du Haitao), hired migrant workers Da Li (played by Wang Shuangbao) and Xiao Li (played by Ba Duo) to collect the debt. With pursuers in front and no way out, Li Meng had to agree to Lin Pei to become Tang Yao's "stand-in" and became a "shadow rich man". But this stand-in is not so easy to be. In the process of learning how to be a rich man, Li Meng encountered a series of embarrassing things and fully witnessed the power of Lin Pei, the devil instructor. At the same time, Li Meng also had to deal with the constant divorce threats from Tang Yao's wife Qin Yuwei (played by Hu Die) and the aggressiveness of the company's number two Wen Pengfei (played by Cao Bingkun). After doing a series of charity work such as helping students and donating cars as Tang Yao, Li Meng didn't know that the big net cast by Wen Pengfei was slowly opening up to him...