Xiao Bo (Toni Lera Rakkaen) is a college student with excellent grades. However, in addition to excellent grades, Xiao Bo has nothing but an introverted and lonely personality. By chance, Xiao Bo fell in love with street dancing because street dancing can attract those cool-looking girls. Xiao Bo's grandfather is in Bangkok. Xiao Bo told his mother that he wanted to visit his grandfather in Bangkok. In fact, the relationship between Xiao Bo and his grandfather has always been very indifferent. The real purpose of his trip is to learn dancing there. What Xiao Bo didn't expect was that his grandfather changed his memory of the past and became trendy and avant-garde. The two hit it off and shuttled through the streets and alleys of Bangkok together, looking for a master who was willing to teach them to dance, and thus met Xiao Xin (Petch Rattanart). Xiao Bo and his grandfather were cold everywhere, and only the kind Xiao Xin was willing to teach them to dance. In the process, Xiao Bo and his stubborn grandfather had repeated disputes, but they also deepened their understanding of each other.