Popular Japanese actor Hayato Ichihara has been confirmed to star in the film "Hotel Copan". The film is set in a hotel in Hakuba Village, Nagano Prefecture, and tells the story of a protagonist who is desperate for life and constantly explores ways to survive and rejuvenates himself. Ichihara plays the protagonist Yusuke Kaito, a junior high school teacher who was expelled from school for abusing students. After leaving school, Kaito heard that the abused student committed suicide. Feeling guilty, Kaito changed his name and fled to Hotel Copan to start a new life as a hotel waiter. In the hotel, in addition to Kaito, the hotel owner Sakuragi, who was famous during the Nagano Winter Olympics, and Yuki, an employee who always looks like he has nothing to do with it, work with Kaito. One day, many guests came to the hotel. Sakuragi, who had not seen so many guests for a long time, planned to hold a party in the hotel to welcome the guests. However, one of the guests turned out to be the mother of the student who committed suicide, which made Kaito fall into distress again. Ichihara said, "The film vividly depicts the difficult emotions hidden deep in people's hearts, but there are many realities that cannot be avoided in a person's life. I hope to resonate with the audience through this film." In addition, Ichihara also admitted that although there will be things in life that blame oneself, since this is something that no one wants to happen, it is the key to face the problem openly and solve the problem. The director of the film is Naoto Monma, who started out as a commercial producer and is now a professional film and TV producer. Monma has experience in PV, commercials, and short films, but this is his first time directing a feature film. The film was shot in Nagano Prefecture from early October to early November 2013. It has now been wrapped up and is expected to be finished in early spring 2014. The filmmakers have decided to release it at overseas film festivals. It is expected to be released in Japan between fall 2014 and early 2015. In addition, the film will be released in Taiwan at the same time as in Japan. Reprinted from: M1905 Movie Network