The story takes place in 1991. Professional windsurfer Natsuki Iijima (played by Takao Ozawa) is nervously preparing for the upcoming competition. Due to the recent poor performance, the World Cup Australia Station competition is particularly important. The expectations and frustrations in his heart are fighting each other. Natsuki decides that if he still can't win this time, he will choose to give up and announce his retirement. After the guidance of his teacher Fujido (played by Sho Aikawa), Natsuki finally corrected his mentality and won repeatedly in the following games, reaching the peak of his career. Natsuki and his wife Hiroko (played by Misaki Ito) have a daughter and three sons. Unfortunately, the relationship between Natsuki and his youngest daughter Xiaoxia (played by Umika Kawashima) has never been optimistic. By chance, Natsuki fainted on the street and was sent to the hospital. He learned an amazing news that he had cancer. Although Natsuki continued to fight the disease tenaciously, the doctor finally told Natsuki with regret that he only had three months left to live. Before this bad news, what choice would Natsuki and his family make?