"Time and Space Call" mainly tells the story of He Jun (played by Li Xiaoran), the leader of the backlog case team, who transformed from a rookie in the workplace to a cool policewoman, and led a four-member case-solving team headed by rookie criminal policeman Gu Mingzhe (played by Wang Tianchen) to run around to seek the truth of the backlog of unsolved cases and uphold justice. Among them, He Jun, who has been engaged in the criminal police profession for 20 years, has been looking for the long-missing criminal policeman Cao Zheng (played by Du Chun) while working hard to investigate the case. However, Gu Mingzhe, who lives in 2018, and criminal policeman Cao Zheng, who lives in 1998, unexpectedly started a wonderful communication through a mysterious call. Afterwards, the two relied on an old mobile phone to provide clues to each other in different time and space, and solved the backlog of unsolved cases one by one, revealing the truth hidden in each case, and also triggered thinking about human nature behind the case. Their urgent desire to seek the truth for 20 years shows the audience the image of the people's police "there must be a case to solve, and the mission must be accomplished", and conveys the positive energy of "justice will eventually defeat evil forces, justice will not be late and will never be absent".