In the days leading up to the 1988 Summer Olympics, global excitement is building in Seoul. Old-school fashion, sexy music, and the world’s best racing await a global audience. The racers of the Sangye Supreme Team receive an offer they can’t refuse and are embroiled in a slush fund investigation involving a big shot. — Best Drifter, Dong Wook (Yoo Ah In) — SPYDJ, Oh Woo Sam (Go Kyung Pyo) — Human Navigation System, Moon Bok Nam (Lee Kyu Hyung) — Motorcycle Disguise Master, Park Yoon Hee (Park Sa Hyun) — Sangye Hundred Dragon, Park Joon Ki (Ong Seong Wu) “Don’t blink, experience a real speed movie.” The American dream-filled Sangye Supreme Team races through Seoul in a race car loaded with slush funds.