Shotaro Tarui (played by Satoshi Oono), a 27-year-old youth from Yamaguchi Prefecture, has been determined to become a superhero since he was a child. However, the real world is extremely cruel. Shotaro, who relies on being a special effects actor, was fired by his boss. He had no choice but to go to the university senior Kamoto Kazuki (played by Ryuta Sato) to make a living by selling roasted sweet potatoes. One day, he accidentally rescued a woman who was chased by the underworld. Who knew that the other party turned out to be Erika (played by Yui Aragaki), the second daughter of the local gangster Hanazono family boss Friday (played by Kinya Kitaoji). Erika has a heart that is difficult to tell others. She asks Shotaro and Kamoto to help her plan a kidnapping case to defraud a ransom from her father. At the same time, the eldest daughter of the Hanazono family, Subaru (played by Shihori Kanjiya), is investigating the sudden counterfeit money incident in the town. The two incidents are so strangely entangled together... This film is adapted from the mystery novel of the same name by Atsuya Higashikawa.