The story takes place during the Republic of China in the 20th century. The escort Guan Ning (played by Jiao Enjun) and Shui Yun (played by Miao Pu) are truly in love. Due to an accident, Shui Yun's fetus died in her belly and she has been unable to have children since then. In order to pass on the family line, Guan Ning found another woman, Luo Yu (played by Wang Yujie), who can continue the incense for him. Shui Yun, who is desperate, returns to Shui Yun Village. The master (played by Yu Dongjiang) is Guan Ning's most trusted aide, but he is a villain who forgets his righteousness for the sake of profit. In order to steal the national treasure, he did not hesitate to frame his brother Gao Dequan, who had been born and died, and killed his whole family. Luo Yu loves Guan Ning deeply, but what Guan Ning can't forget in his heart is Shui Yun who abandoned him, which makes Luo Yu jealous and always wants to get rid of him. The real man Wang Erdao (played by Zhao Yan Guo Zhang) is loyal to Guan Ning. Because he doesn't want the brothers to fight for the national treasure, he takes the initiative to stand up for the master, but unexpectedly he died...