Shen Xinwei (played by Wu Qilong) is a well-known high IQ student on campus, and also a promising young man with a very upright character. However, he was framed and charged with an unwarranted crime. In anger, Shen Xinwei decided to return to China, but he did not know that he had returned from overseas, but he did not have the ability to gain a foothold in China. Nana (played by Li Xiaoran) and her boyfriend Lu Kai have been in love for many years. They have just obtained a certificate abroad. However, she did not know that she had become a "third party" without knowing it. Lu Kai is about to return to China to marry a girl who is well-matched with her family. What's worse is that Nana found that she was pregnant with Lu Kai's child. The strong Nana decided to give birth to the child and raise it alone. By chance, she hired Shen Xinwei as her confinement nanny. In the constant friction and collision, sparks of love were generated between the two.