Manmo (Luis Fernando Peña) lives with his parents in the small town of Santa Ana, Mexico, and makes a living by farming. The Delrio Water Company built a dam on a nearby river to block water, causing a serious water shortage in the entire area. The high water price caused desperate farmers to steal water from the dam. The Delrio Water Company's headquarters in the United States hired pilot Rudy (Jacob Vargas) to remotely control an unmanned bomber through a mental connection to attack "terrorists" to protect the dam. Manmo's residence was blown up, and Manmo's father was killed on the spot. Sad Manmo left his hometown and came to Tijuana, a border city between the United States and Mexico, to find a job, and met a female writer Luz (Lennor Varela). Luz helped Manmo install a "node", and from then on Manmo entered the factory to remotely control robots across the United States through mental connections to do heavy physical labor. In order to continue selling Manmo's story, Luz gradually deepened her contact with him, and the two finally fell in love. But the person who bought Manmo's story on the other side of the network turned out to be Rudy...