In a gloomy, cold, and sinful modern city, hardworking insurance salesman Ma Ke (played by Daniel Wu) has been dependent on his schizophrenic mother (played by Kara Hui) for many years. In order to help his mother move into the best nursing home, Ma Ke worked hard to make money, even at the cost of perjury to protect his position. However, he made a mistake and his perjury was discovered by a mysterious person. Not only was the deposit in his account stolen, but he also had to follow the instructions on the other party's phone. In the process, Ma Ke reunited with his high school girlfriend, Jie Xi (played by Yao Chen), who worked in a bank. Unexpectedly, Jie Xi was also included in the mystery by the mysterious person, and her fate was closely tied to that of Ma Ke. After that, Ma Ke also got in trouble with the gangster boss Tai Ge (played by Simon Yam), who dominated the area. The mysterious man seemed to be a god who was high above and had no plan, and he was proud to control the fate of everyone...