National Lampoon, which once successfully launched Animal House, recently decided to start filming a movie that satirizes the Hollywood epic movie 300 - National Lampoons 301: The Legend of Awesomest Maximus Wallace Leonidas. From the title, you can tell that this movie will spoof other Hollywood epic movies such as 300 Spartans and Troy. It is reported that the movie tells the story of the many setbacks encountered by the most powerful Spartan general Protagoras, who was out of shape, in the process of becoming a legendary figure. National Lampoon is one of the most popular publications of American college students. In 1978, its first film Animal House tells the story of college boys making a fool of themselves. Because it is close to their real life, it became the highest-grossing movie that year as a dark horse and entered the ranks of 100 classic comedy films. Since then, a series of comedy films named after National Lampoon have been derived.