Inoue Meiko (played by Miyazaki Aoi), Taneda Naro (played by Kora Kengo), Kato Kenichi (played by Kondo Yoichi), Otani Ai (played by Ito Ayumu), Billy (played by Kiritani Kenta), these five people are partners who met in the light music club during college. Except for Kato, the king of repeating grades, the other four entered the workplace after graduation. They rushed all day, but still insisted on taking time to get together and enjoy the joy of music. Tired of the boring workplace, Meiko and her lover Taneda resigned one after another, and Taneda devoted himself to the creation of music, but in the turbulent commercial tide, their music was ignored. After a short period of sinking, Taneda decided to face life positively, and the cruel fate stopped his steps. The departure of lovers and close friends made this group of young men and women suffer great grief. Meiko finally chose to pick up the guitar and sing the melody written by her lover... This film is adapted from the original work of cartoonist Asano Itsuki.