An unemployed father Tiancai (played by Guo Zigan), a Shanghai girl who married to Taiwan, Bai Xue (played by Yang Yu), and two quirky daughters, Meilihua (played by Yuan Xinyu) and Meilijuan (played by Xu Wanling), form a happy family that is both funny and irritating. On this day, the unemployed father applied for a job at an environmental protection company, but in fact, this environmental protection company specializing in mobile toilets is just a cover for fraud by a fraud group. Tiancai, who is unaware of this, is hired by the boss Hei Song (played by Jiu Kong) and sent to Xiamen to be sacrificed as a pawn, and Tiancai, who is unaware of this, is grateful to Hei Song. Meilihua and Meilijuan found some suspicious clues to Hei Song's treacherous plan. The two sisters who found out the truth even flew to Xiamen to persuade their father to quit his job and go home quickly. However, the genius never believed the two daughters and was still determined to work for Hei Song because he wanted to regain the confidence and dignity as a father and husband through the success of his career. At this time, Bai Xue also believed the serial lies of the fraud group and flew to Xiamen alone with all her savings to fulfill her dream of getting rich. What will be the outcome of the family of four and the fraud group?