Chloe (voiced by Drew Barrymore) is a Chihuahua in Beverly Hills. She is spoiled and lives a very luxurious life. Her owner, Aunt Vivi (Jamie Lee Curtis), is going away, so she leaves the task of taking care of Chloe to Angela (Ali Hillis). Angela takes Chloe and her friends on a trip to the beach in Mexico. When they arrive at the beach, the girls are immediately attracted by the muscular and handsome guys, while Chloe gets lost in the huge city of Mexico due to Angela's "focusing on sex over dogs". Those simple streets look very different from Beverly Hills. In desperation, Chloe had to resort to some new friends, including a complicated German Shepherd Dai GeDuo (Andy Garcia Andy Garcia ornaments), and a passionate puppy Paige (George Lopez George Lopez), Chloe with their help, cheer up to find the way home ...