This film revolves around five teenagers who originally knew nothing about ski jumping, telling a youth inspirational story of training hard to bid for the Olympic Games and witnessing each other's growth. In 1996, Fuzhou, North Jeolla Province, South Korea was preparing intensively to host the Winter Olympics. However, the International Olympic Committee sent a notice that since Fuzhou had never participated in ski jumping, it would be disqualified if there was no team participating in the skiing competition. The organizing committee was in chaos for a while, and they decided to immediately form a national ski jumping team. In a panic, they temporarily convened five "national representatives" who knew nothing about ski jumping: Bob (played by Ha Jung-woo), who was adopted by Americans since childhood and returned to his country to find his biological mother, Hong Zhe (played by Kim Dong-wook), an impulsive club waiter, Jae-buk (played by Choi Jae-hwan), a cowardly boy who obeyed his father's words, and Chil-gu (played by Kim Ki-seok) and his younger brother Feng-gu (played by Lee Jae-eung) who wanted to take the opportunity to escape military service. Under the leadership of Fang Zhongsan (played by Cheng Dongri), an unqualified former children's skiing coach, five teenagers with very different personalities began a tough training.