The story of "Golden Wedding 2" still begins in the 1950s when New China was in full swing. In 1958, Geng Zhi (Hu Jun), a 28-year-old heroic battalion commander of the Volunteer Army, met Schumann (Zhou Yun), a 22-year-old beautiful female doctor. The hero and the beauty fell in love at first sight. In order to marry Schumann, the daughter of a capitalist, Geng Zhi had to reluctantly take off his military uniform and give up his bright future. During the Cultural Revolution, Schumann, who lacked political experience, often put herself and her family in crisis. For the sake of his wife and family, her husband Geng Zhi resolutely gave up his political future. His marriage with Schumann changed Geng Zhi's life from then on, but Geng Zhi had no regrets in his life. Schumann's feelings for Geng Zhi went from admiration, indifference and respect to the final happy companionship. They went from young to old, from knowing each other to loving each other, from passionate love to the daily necessities of marriage, as well as being parents and grandparents, from romantic passion to warm tenderness to mutual support, and walked hand in hand through the romantic legend and the bumpy fifty-year marriage road.