The story takes place in Osaka in 1971, when the World Expo had just ended. In the afterglow of happiness that had not yet dissipated, a girl named Suzu Ai (played by Nagano Mei) was born in a small town called Oshiomachi in the eastern part of Gifu Prefecture. Here, Suzu Ai spent a happy childhood. Although a high fever made her deaf in her left ear, she was still strong and optimistic and lived a positive life. After graduating from high school, Suzu Ai decided to go to Tokyo alone, where she continued to struggle with the goal of becoming a cartoonist. In Tokyo, Suzu Ai met a group of like-minded friends. However, the post-war bubble economy made Suzu Ai unable to continue her dream, and her marriage was shattered. After the divorce, Suzu Ai returned to her hometown with her daughter and met her childhood sweetheart Hagio Ritsu (played by Sato Takeru) who had been away for many years.