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TV show/Starting at 40
Starting at 40

Starting at 40

12 episodes
  • Aliases:
  • director:Oku Akiko, Naruse Tomoichi, Ueda Shun
  • Starring:Sayaka Yamaguchi, Mitsuhito Itagaki, Tomu Miyazaki, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi
  • type: Japanese drama
  • area:Japan
  • language:Japanese
  • Release:2022
  • update:2024-11-19 22:01:34
Sakai Kaili's original work "シジュウカラ" of the same name, and the 40-year-old program "Love, Official Affairs, Life" is a story.売れないマンガ家・Watanuki Shinobu, married 15-year-old husband and middle school student の殉し, どこか満足できない日々を Send っていた. The pen is folded and the decision is made, and the past is self-written and the electronic book is written, and the new work is drawn and drawn.アシスタントをraises したところ, 応raises してきたのは22歳のYoung・Tachibana Chiaki で, Shinobu Chiaki に日に心狠かれていく.