"Lovers' Whispers" tells the story of the intricate love-hate relationship in the city, including different forms of love such as secret love, unrequited love, and unethical love. A Lei (Eason Chan) and A Qi (Fan Xiaoxuan) maintain a normal relationship on the surface, but secretly fall in love with A Lan (Lin Jiaxin). All this is finally discovered by A Qi and A Lan's boyfriend A Bao (Xiang Zuo). Where will this misplaced love go? A Bao also hides his own secrets. When he was young, A Bao (William Chan) admired his classmate Lai Guangsheng's (Chen Jiale) mother Mrs. Lai (Kit Chan), and helped Mrs. Lai secretly photograph Mr. Lai's (Eric Tsang) extramarital affair; when Lai Guangsheng (Eddie Peng) grew up, he became a dentist. A Zhi (Kathy Kay) who worked in the laundry shop in the neighborhood has always had a crush on him. She fantasizes about various scenes of getting along with Lai Guangsheng every day, but she can't express her feelings in reality... Can this series of intricate relationships be cultivated into a positive result? Perhaps it will be a mess in the end.