Shin Jin-ah (Lee Min-jung Lee), a former member of the popular girl idol group Purple, is a DJ for a radio program to make a living. The program is facing the crisis of being cancelled because of the declining ratings of the radio program it hosts. The nervous Jin-ah and the meticulous gold medal program producer Lee Jae-yi (Lee Jung-jin Lee) have repeatedly clashed due to their incompatibility. Faced with the sluggish ratings, the two have to work together in the friction to seek a turnaround for the program. Jin-ah, who is strong-willed and unwilling to admit defeat, took on the task of rewriting the program plan in a fit of anger. The program was rearranged and the audience was invited to order songs for their loved ones, thus digging out many touching stories. The warm tone made the program ratings soar and attracted much attention. Jin-ah's life also began to change and faced more challenges.