A political show with a luxurious lineup. Two passionate young people from West Coast University, Arian (Derek Luke) and Ernest (Michael Peña), were inspired by the spirit of their idealistic mentor Dr. Stephen Malley (Robert Redford) and decided to do something to actively pursue their ideals in life. They went to Afghanistan to participate in the war on terror, but these two young people never thought that the so-called war had nothing to do with human peace and national justice, but just to keep themselves alive on the battlefield. On the other side of the country that is closely linked to their fate, the situation in the United States is very different. In California, the distressed Dr. Stephen Malley tried to use Arian and Ernest's participation in the war as an example to persuade his student Todd (Andrew Garfield) not to give up political studies, but Todd was completely disgusted with Dr. Stephen Malley's radical ideas. Thousands of miles away in Washington, presidential candidate and Senator Jasper Irving (Tom Cruise) finds himself involved in a political conspiracy. He is about to reveal the shocking inside story of the war in Afghanistan to TV reporter Janine Roth (Meryl Streep). This move is likely to directly affect the fate of Arian and Ernest who are fighting on the front line.