Special operations team member Cheng Zhen (played by Li Ming) dreams of a woman every night. Once Cheng Zhen eradicated a violent gang that broke into Dr. Zhang's laboratory and began to investigate them. During the investigation, he discovered that the woman in his dream was Dr. Zhang's daughter Nan Hong (played by Park Yinhui). Dr. Zhang is conducting research on past lives, and he wants to use science to prove the existence of past lives. In order to find Nan Hong, Cheng Zhen decided to do a past life experiment. During the experiment, he discovered that he and Nan Hong were a pair of lovers in love in their previous lives: he was Ding, the highest warrior of Gu Men, and Nan Hong was the princess of Gu Men, Lao Di, but the strict identity system at the time did not allow them to love each other. In the war with the enemy Poshitu, Ding and Ma Zai, Xiao Xiao (played by Li Naying) and other Gu Men's highest warriors bravely faced them.