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TV show/Despite this, they still said they wanted to get married
Despite this, they still said they wanted to get married

Despite this, they still said they wanted to get married

8 episodes
  • Aliases:
  • director:Shibasaki Hiroki
  • Starring:Yuuka Suzuki, Miaki Yuki, Shodai Fukuyama, Seita Nishioka, Takayuki Hamatsu
  • type: Japanese drama
  • area:Japan
  • language:Japanese
  • Release:2023
  • update:2024-11-03 21:57:20
This work is "Wedding-style の素清らしさ" をテーマに, Wedding-style yingえるまでのリアルな道のりや々な人间mode様を, とあるネズミのThe family's perspective is a new one. The ネズミ family's は formula field ス タ ッ フ に rides り move り, the の field's reconstruction と カ ッ プ ル た ち に り か る ト ラ ブ ル solve に け て rush す る.