Tokito Takahiko (Abe Hiroshi), a doctor working at a medical institution, develops an unethical relationship with the beautiful wife of the chairman Takumi Teto (Tsukawa Masahiko), Meiko (Kichise Michiko). In order to achieve the goal of being together for a long time, Meiko instigates Tokito to kill her husband and attempts to commit a perfect crime. As the saying goes, man proposes, God disposes. Tokito's actions go wrong and he is trapped in the elevator. On the other hand, the young policeman Akagi Kunie (Tetsuji Tamayama) who is on duty is beaten by the gang and his gun is taken away. He and his girlfriend Matsumoto Mikayo (Kitagawa Keiko) secretly drive away Tokito's convertible parked on the roadside to chase the gang. Since then, everything has gone out of control, and everyone is desperately moving towards their predetermined fate... This film is a remake of the 1958 film of the same name by the famous French director Louis Malle.