On a sunny day, on the green grassland, Gray Wolf (voiced by Zhang Lin) and Pleasant Goat (voiced by Zu Liqing) fought a battle of wits and courage around the captured Lazy Goat (voiced by Liang Ying). At the critical moment, the Wolf Castle shook violently, and then was inexplicably teleported to a playground in the human world. In order to protect the safety of Gray Tailang's family, the village chief used a camera to turn them into human appearance. The strange human world made them feel both novel and panic, and they made countless jokes. But they found a serious problem. Their baby son Xiao Huihui seemed to be lost. On the other hand, the evil businessman Pi, who was plotting to bring Wolf Castle to the human world, was brewing a series of ambitious evil plans. Can Gray Tailang's family and Lazy Goat finally return home?