Rumiko Ishibashi (Miho Kanno) who lives in Kanagawa was once a freelance writer. Her husband Yutaka is a freelance photographer. He temporarily stopped writing because he was raising two sons, but he still wants to make a comeback. Kana Ishibashi (Mitsuki Takahata), a single mother living in Osaka, gave birth to a child at a young age and raised it by herself. After the divorce, she did not have a formal job and worked hard for her children. Asumi Ishibashi (Machiko Ono), a housewife living in Shizuoka, lives a seemingly plain and happy life with her husband Taichi, who is younger than her, and her top-ranked son Yu. The three mothers live in different places and have different living environments, but they all have a child named "Yu Ishibashi".