Under the leadership of Luo Yingwei (played by Li Yuan), a "chatty female cadre", three young female police officers from the archives room of the Pingling Public Security Bureau: "Gossip Queen" Cai Wenxin (played by Shi Shi), "Beautiful and Inspirational Sister" Xia Luoyang (played by Pu Tao), and "Silent Clerk" Feng Yi (played by Xu Yuan) formed a jaw-dropping case-solving team. With the trust and help of Cai Wenxin's brother, Cai Wenfei (played by Wang Yu), the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade of the Pingling Public Security Bureau, and other predecessors, the team members overcame numerous difficulties, solved a series of cold cases, and destroyed the drug trafficking group in Pingling. In the process, they understood the meaning of being a police officer and eventually grew into excellent police officers.