This story takes place in the 1970s, when the aftermath of the Cultural Revolution was still shaking every corner of society, ruthlessly destroying everyone's life. Sun Shaoping (played by Yuan Hong), a poor farmer, has a strong self-esteem, and is unwilling to show his shabby side even in front of his good friend Tian Runsheng (played by Yin Zhixuan). Although he and the landlord's daughter Hao Hongmei (played by Wang Luyun) have very different identities, similar mentalities make them know each other. Brother Sun Shaoan (played by Wang Lei) is the backbone of the family. He and Runsheng's sister Tian Runye (played by Tong Liya) are childhood sweethearts and have a good impression of each other, but love at that time was out of one's control, and lovers often could not get together. The two brothers make their own way through life, experiencing the transformation of love and life... This film is adapted from Lu Yao's novel of the same name.