The story begins in the early years of the Republic of China. Ning Baolin (played by Luo Jialiang), Li Bayi (played by Huang Junpeng) and Su Mingyuan (played by Zhao Lixin) fell in love with the same woman, who passed away after leaving a child, Ning Wuyuan (played by Luo Jin). The three men decided to raise the child together and became the child's father, father and father respectively. In a blink of an eye, thirty years have passed. Ning Wuyuan has grown into a passionate man who stands tall and upright, and joined the Communist Party and became a qualified successor to communism, while Su Mingyuan joined the Kuomintang and occupied the opposite side of Ning Wuyuan. In order to obtain precious intelligence, Ning Wuyuan started to deal with the three fathers. In the process, he accidentally discovered his true life experience. His biological father, who was connected to him by blood, turned out to be the director of the Police Department, Ji Mingyu (played by Zhang Xilin).