The movie "Silly Dad" is a family ethics drama feature film produced by Leyingmeng, co-produced and produced by Fujian Xichuang Films, produced by Deng Xiangping and directed by the well-known young director Yang Musheng. The film mainly tells the story of the adoptive father Liu Laoshi and his adopted daughter Liu Xiaohua traveling thousands of miles to find their relatives. Through the tortuous journey of two little people to find their relatives, the film reflects the human nature, family affection, ethics and social reality issues. In a city in the south, there is a master named Liu Laoshi who makes a living by riding a tricycle to solicit passengers. He is in his fifties this year, and his daughter Liu Xiaohua is eight years old and has just entered the second grade. Liu Xiaohua is the baby girl that Liu Laoshi brought back from the trash can. Since his wife passed away, he and his daughter have depended on each other, and every month he relies on a low income to support their daily lives and his daughter's tuition expenses. Every evening, Liu Laoshi would ride his tricycle to take his daughter to his "workplace" when she got out of class, and then continue to ride his tricycle to solicit passengers to make money, and the well-behaved daughter would prop up the small table and do her homework seriously every day at this time. Although they have a low income and a tight life, the affection between father and daughter is a warm support for each other. However, God did not fulfill people's wishes. One day, the doctor told Liu Laoshi that he had a serious illness and faced high medical expenses, which the family could not afford at all. Liu Laoshi thought that he would soon die and fell into pain: What should the young Xiaohua do after he left? In the end, he decided to take the child to find her biological parents. If blood melts into water, then the foster father's grace for his daughter over the years has long been far stronger than this affection. Liu Laoshi was reluctant to let his daughter leave him, but compared to this reluctance, the child's future is more important. So the elderly adoptive father took his daughter on a journey to find her relatives, but unexpectedly, his daughter was abducted by human traffickers on the way...