A ten-year-old girl (Bertille Noël-Bruneau) encounters a fox catching a vole on her way to school. The girl is fascinated by the beautiful fox and returns to the forest after school hoping to see the fox again. From autumn to winter, the girl follows the fox's footprints in the thick snow, but she breaks her leg and has to spend the whole winter indoors, reading many books about foxes. Spring is the season for fox hunting. The worried girl is ecstatic to find the fox's cave and its three little foxes, but she didn't expect the fox to smell the human scent and move the cubs overnight. The girl decides not to disturb the fox, but sits on a beech tree and waits for it to show up. In this way, the relationship between humans and foxes is slowly established, and the fox takes the little girl on a wonderful forest adventure... The trainer of this film is Marie-Noëlle Baroni from France, and the six foxes and most of the other animals in the film are from her farm.