Xiao Ai (Mei Ting), a horror novelist, is worried that her ex-husband Qi Kun (Wu Chao) who has just been released from prison will take away her beloved son. She takes her five-year-old son Xiao Xin to hide in the country villa of her good friend Yinan (Guo Jingfei) so that she can finish writing her new novel. Xiao Xin, who is writing with her mother, is bored and has to pick up her paintbrush to paint all day. Soon, all kinds of bizarre events happened in the ancient villa. Xiao Xin insisted that she knew a little girl who lived in the villa, which surprised Xiao Ai because there was no one within a few kilometers around the villa. When Xiao Ai, who was stuck in a bottleneck in her creation, was struggling to write a word, large sections of the novel text appeared in the computer by some strange coincidence, and it was surprisingly similar to the mysterious little girl Xiao Xin knew. In the end, Xiao Xin's bizarre disappearance completely pushed Xiao Ai to the brink of panic and collapse...