Liu Cheng (played by Stephen Fung), who runs a pharmacy at home, plans to develop business in the city with a group of fellow villagers. Just when the business is booming, an inexplicable fire kills all the brothers. Liu Cheng has since lost everything and is thrown into prison. The real murderer is actually his assistant Peng Si (played by Raymond Wong), who does whatever it takes for money. The relatives of the police in prison have been generously given medicine by Liu Cheng, so they invite the young lawyer Lan Xiaoqian (played by Gillian Chung) to help Liu Cheng clear his name. Unfortunately, Peng Si used money to smooth over the relationship and was determined to put Liu Cheng to death. Lan Xiaoqian bribed the executioner, hoping to let Liu Cheng go during the execution. Liu Cheng returned to his hometown and found that his ancestral house was destroyed and his wife and daughter were living a life that was not like a human being. Later, Liu Cheng was frightened by what had already happened to him.