The three smoking and drinking eccentric grandmothers, Tingzi (played by Luo Wenxi), Yingji (played by Kim Soo-mi) and Shenzi (played by Kim Hye-ok), all come from poor families with limited financial resources. Each of them has its own problems. The only hope for them to survive is to save money for a trip to Hawaii. In order to go to Hawaii, they lived frugally and even stole from supermarkets regularly. Finally, after 8 years, they saved enough money for the trip of 8.37 million won. Just when they went to the bank to deposit money as required by the travel agency, they were robbed of all their money by two bank robbers. The three vowed to recover their deposits. By chance, they found the hiding place of one of the robbers, Junxi (played by Lin Changzheng), but were told that the money was embezzled by another robber. Tingzi couldn't bear it anymore and decided to follow Junxi's example to rob the bank. After Yingji and Shenzi reluctantly agreed, they asked Junxi to be their coach. The daily physical training made them miserable. The three grandmothers' road to robbery was full of jokes and difficulties. Can they succeed in the robbery and realize their long-cherished wish of traveling to Hawaii?