In the afternoon, on the school terrace, a girl named Kana suddenly committed suicide. A classmate, Kyoko (Oshima Yuko), who was present, heard the creepy song Kana hummed when she committed suicide. The incident caused a stir in the media. The editor-in-chief of the third-rate magazine "Monthly MASACA", Se Riku (Matsuda Ryuhei) and Taichi (Iseya Yusuke), found the root cause of the incident after investigation-everyone who had sung the popular song "My Flower" released ten years ago committed suicide. Se Riku got clues about Kana's boyfriend from Kana's classmates, but he also committed suicide by cutting his wrists when he arrived. Later, in order to experiment with the "infectious song", Taichi led a group of female high school students to sing "My Flower". As a result, Taichi committed suicide that night, and some high school students also committed suicide the next day. Feeling that the situation was critical, Se Riku took the remaining people who sang the infectious song to ask for help from the abbot (Abe Hiroshi) who had supernatural powers...