Kurusu Kurogo (voiced by Taichi Ichikawa) is an ordinary first-year high school student. He loves Kabuki performances and dreams of being able to go on stage as a Kabuki actor. However, there is no Kabuki club on campus, so Kurogo decided to make a living on his own and founded a Kabuki club. However, in order to establish a club, you must gather 5 members. In this way, in order to realize his dream, Kurogo began to lobby on campus. The cold, distant and inarticulate Murase Tsubasa (voiced by Yuichiro Umehara), the cheerful and attention-seeking Akutsu Arata (voiced by Ryota Oosaka), the young master Ebihara Jin (voiced by Kengo Kawanishi) from a famous family, and Niwa Hanaman (voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki), whose mother is a Japanese dance teacher, gradually gathered around Kurogo with his efforts.