This action movie with an anti-Israel theme is called "Valley of the Wolves in Palestine", which is adapted from the TV series of the same name. From the trailer released by the film producers, the film tells the story of the protagonist and his partner as Turkish secret spies embarking on the road of revenge against Israeli soldiers. They found the Israeli commander who authorized the attack on the rescue ship and assassinated him. The trailer also showed many scenes of Turks and Israelis swearing at each other. The film producer said that the film is not only a story of revenge, but also reflects the unfair treatment that Palestinians are currently experiencing through the plot. The film was strongly protested by Israel soon after it was released. In an interview with Turkish media, Israeli Ambassador to Ankara Levy said that the film was a slander against Israel. He severely criticized the prejudice against Jews reflected in it, believing that the film itself was promoting anti-Semitism. In May 2010, in order to break the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip, the "Human Rights, Freedom and Humanitarian Relief Fund" (IHH) and the "Free Gaza Movement" organized an international aid fleet to the Gaza Strip. From May 30 to 31, the fleet was intercepted by the Israeli Navy in international waters and a conflict broke out. Nine volunteers from Turkey died and nearly 30 were injured. Turkey was once an important partner of Israel in the Middle East. After the interception of the fleet, Turkey withdrew its ambassador to Israel and insisted on an apology from Israel, further deteriorating relations between the two sides. Israel believes that the Israeli soldiers opened fire in self-defense after being attacked on the ship.