The male protagonist of the popular Superman drama Tienan (played by Chen Bolin) was replaced by the new TV station chairman Su Yingying (played by Guo Xuefu) due to a serious decline in ratings, along with his monster partner (played by Qiu Yanxiang). The singer FACE (played by Ao Quan) became the new generation of Superman, and Tienan instantly became a laid-off loser. He even lost the courage to push down the goddess makeup artist Jingfen (played by Chen Tingxuan) who was sent to him. In order to change the status quo, he not only took a bunch of roles similar to passers-by, but also accepted Superman-themed AVs. Finally, when he switched to TV shopping, Tienan was laid off and re-employed and started his second career. Of course, as for pushing down the goddess, this unemployed Superman still needs more courage to achieve it...